![]() This structured course of six classes will cover all the basics that you need to know to either learn to draw or improve your skills. Easy steps for using tone, perspective, measuring and composition will give you the confidence to tackle any subject. Advice on how to mix colours and use basic watercolour techniques will set you on the road to making your own pictures. All in a friendly and creative atmosphere :-) Classes begin on Saturday the 16th March from 4.30 - 7pm.120 euro for 6 classes – booking can only be accepted upon payment, as places are limited. For more information please contact Jeni on the form below Or Sistina on 21335548 Wednesday classes are continuing at Sistina, and also Sunday morning creativity sessions in Manikata.......
![]() After all the Stuff that has been coming up for me lately, around the Temples and creativity, last night I went to a really interesting talk on BioGeometry by Kris Attard.... and I want to know more! This seems to be the way to have a two-way conversation with Nature, to re-connect us to our innate wisdom and help to clean up this poor planet while there is still time to do it. If you are interested too, explore Kris's sites - www.biogeometry.com and www.awarenessworkshops.com I did this painting (which is 104 x 76 cms!) in a whirl of paint-madness after attending another in a series of Shamanic workshops a couple of weekends ago. I have been working really hard on landscapes for my exhibition in May, but it's funny how everything seems to come together in its own wonderful way... Mother Earth decided to join in the landscape dance! ![]() This is a painting I did ages ago, when I was doing a lot of work around the prehistoric Temples of Malta. It's called 'Portal' and sums up a lot of what I feel about these unique and powerful sites. This morning I visited the same Temple, called Ta'Hagrat, which is very close to where I live. It really is a very special place. I was with special friends too, and we spent some time there, meditating and just feeling really. I have been thinking of re-connecting with the Temples paintings for a month or so now, and it all seems to be coming together, at least in my head! I want to further the work I have already done in them, and to see where that takes me. I realised that I hadn't even put a Temples page on this website at all, even though I have so many images to use. That I will rectify soon, and I am also making a whole website dedicated to that subject alone. These sites date back to around 5,000 BC, and are almost universally unknown! So that's my next project really, but first I have to work on the landscapes exhbition I am doing in May, with all the printing and designing and advertising and organising that goes with it. I have to virtually forbid myself time in the studio or out painting so that I concentrate on all that Stuff. And I did resolve to send out regular blogs too, but Time just slips away..... the Temples have been standing there for thousands and thousands of years and I don't find Time to blog! ![]() Classes at Sistina are starting again!! It will be lovely to be back at Sistina Art Shop, 118 The Strand Sliema again! Classes begin on Wednesday 13th February at 10am til 12.30pm We'll be doing drawing exercises and explorations into different ways of approaching picture-making, covering everything from tone to perspective to colour mixing..... we'll work mainly in watercolours, but mixed media and Other Stuff usually appear too! Places are limited, so please email me on [email protected] for more info and a booking form ![]() Creativity Workshops in Manikata Classes will resume on February 17th in the usual format of an hour of focused drawing practice followed by creative exercises in different media. 120 e for 6 classes, 23 e for drop-in classes, 28 e including all materials. Please email me on [email protected] for more info and a booking form ![]() "Love" by Anne Hoshi Furuya Japanese Calligraphy Workshop Saturday 23rd February 2013 10am (sharp) - 4pm Only 45 euro including all materials - and a vegetarian Japanese lunch! A fun day with Anne Hoshi Furuya, the talented daughter of a professional Japanese calligraphy teacher in Japan. Using authentic equipment, we will learn : - *how to write our own names in Japanese characters *make a lucky New Year card using traditional methods * a little origami Please wear suitable clothes (ink stains!) or bring an apron. The workshop will take place in Jeni Caruana's studio in Manikata. PLACES ARE LIMITED AND CAN ONLY BE RESERVED AGAINST PAYMENT IN FULL. Please email me on [email protected] for more info and a booking form |
Jeni Caruana ![]() I love to paint - and draw - and help others to discover their creative side too..... Be the first to see my latest work and hear of new classes by adding your email address below. Thank you! Categories
February 2019